Dalai lama wikipedia deutsch languages
Is dalai lama alive
In Hermann Hesse published his famous work "Siddhartha", which has been translated into many languages.
Dalai lama nationality
The author recounts how he was introduced to the Dalai Lama by mutual friend Richard Gere and became involved in various aspects of the Tibetan initiative; also includes an introduction to .
Who is dalai lama
Dalai Lama er tibetanernes religiøse overhoved.
Dalai lama religion
Dalai Lama (á tíbetsku: ཏཱ་ལའི་བླ་མ་; nánast borið fram sem: taa la’i bla ma) er embætistitill eins aðalleiðtoga lamasiðar, helstu gerðar búddisma í Tíbet.