Jorgovanka tabakovic biography of mahatma
Biography of mahatma gandhi
Jorgovanka Tabaković was born on 21 March in Vučitrn.
Jorgovanka tabakovic biography of mahatma
The Serbian Parliament on Wednesday re-appointed Jorgovanka Tabakovic as the Governor of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS).
Jorgovanka tabakovic biography of mahatma gandhi
Tabakovic defended her MSc thesis “Reform of the Banking System of Yugoslavia” at the Pristina Faculty of Economics in In she submitted a doctoral thesis proposal entitled Central Bank Instruments – Reaches and Limitations on the Example of the Republic of Serbia.
Јоргованка Табаковић — Википедија
Jorgovanka Tabaković (Vučitrn, mart ) srpski je političar i ekonomista.